Care Over Cost is a national grassroots campaign founded by People’s Action to address the problem of health insurers stopping people from getting the treatment they need, or refusing to pay for treatments people have already received.

Has your health care claim been denied? Share your story with us so a Care Over Cost volunteer can help.



People’s Action builds the power of poor and working people in urban, rural, and suburban areas to win change through issue fights and elections. We are a national network of 38 state and local grassroots power-building organizations in 28 states, united in the work of building a bigger “we.” 

We fought for and won the Community Reinvestment Act, which forced banks to stop refusing to lend in Black, brown and low-income white communities, and helped win creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Our Health Care For All campaign helped win health care for millions through the Affordable Care Act, and we’ve reversed health care laws that discriminate based on a person’s citizenship. We are fighting for an expanded and improved Medicare for All, to make prescription drugs more affordable, and we demand that candidates for public office reject campaign contributions from insurers, companies, executives, lobbyists, and PACs affiliated with the corporate health care industry.

We believe health care is a human right, and should be available to all.


Our Care Over Cost campaign is active in thirteen states: Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Wisconsin and West Virginia. More are coming soon!
