Health care is a human right, yet private insurance companies often create impossible barriers to reduce the amount they pay out for care. They do this to increase their profits and rewards to shareholders and executives.

Care Over Cost helps people cut through this red tape to get the care they need. Here are a few of their stories.

Jenn Coffey speaks at a town hall hosted by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal about Medicare for All on May 17, 2023.

Carly's Story

Carly Morton lives in Beaver, Pennsylvania, and United Healthcare refused to pay for surgery to correct nMALS, a condition she was born with that causes unbearable pain when eating. Care Over Cost helped her win this care with a petition signed by thousands of supporters and reached out to her U.S. Senator, Bob Casey, on her behalf.

Roquesha's Story

Roquesha O’Neal lives in Detroit, and her mother was denied pain medication after open-heart surgery. Working with Michigan United and Care Over Cost’s team of volunteers, she was able to get the medicine her mother needed.